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Anatomy of a $10.1 Trillion “Cash Bubble”

Yesterday was a tough one.

More specifically, it was the worst day for stocks since 2022, bringing the S&P 500 down to a six-month low and leaving investors feeling no shortage of anxiety.

Many investors are wondering how much further their shares might fall and whether we might be trapped inside a dangerous asset bubble.

There is a $10.1 trillion bubble out there (that no one is talking about). But it’s not the kind you’d expect.

2025’s New Bubble Is About to Burst?

Consider some of the financial bubbles we’ve seen in the past…

The dot-com bubble, real estate, even crypto (multiple times since it’s been around).

Those bubbles were all fairly “traditional” bubbles.

What I mean is…

An excess amount of cash shifted into a specific asset class in a very short period of time.

In the late 1990s, cash piled into “dot-com” stocks at a rapid rate…

Same thing leading up to 2008, when cash piled into another asset class: real estate…

And look at what’s happened with crypto over the years…

Cash piled into bitcoin on multiple different occasions…

And when those bubbles popped…

People took their cash OUT of those assets.

Which is always a terrible thing if you’re stuck holding an asset that people are pulling their cash OUT of.

Because then you’re stuck holding an asset that’s worth a lot less than when you first bought it, obviously.

So that’s why it’s bad when “traditional” bubbles pop.

And why it might sound like a bad thing when I say this $10.1 trillion bubble could pop on March 19.

But you see, this bubble is quite different from traditional bubbles…

The exact opposite of bubbles you’ve heard about before, in fact.

Because this $10.1 trillion bubble is one made up of cash itself.

This Is a “Cash Bubble”

Just take a look at this chart…

That’s just one part of the $10.1 trillion essentially sitting in cold, hard cash.

The highest it’s ever been — in history.

And when this bubble pops…

Instead of cash flowing OUT of assets rapidly…

Instead of what you’d see when “regular” bubbles pop, in other words…

Since this is the exact opposite of those bubbles…

I believe cash will flow INTO assets this time.

This is why I say this bubble popping could be a good thing.

Because you see, since around 2022, we’ve been seeing a really interesting trend develop.

Despite hitting all-time highs, the stock market has been quite unpredictable.

As a result, a lot of folks started moving their money into cash.

It seemed like the safest bet, right? The markets were like a roller coaster, and nobody wanted to lose their hard-earned money chasing stock gains.

Which is why this trend accelerated aggressively.

We witnessed a staggering $2 trillion being tucked away into cash in the last two years alone. This is precisely why I’m calling this a “cash bubble.”

Because now, there’s about $10.1 trillion worth of capital just sitting in cash accounts…

But the thing is, all this money won’t be on the sidelines for much longer…

I predict we’re going to start seeing that trend do a hard U-turn…

And my research shows we don’t have long to prepare.

The financial fallout of these events is coming — which, as I’ll show you on Wednesday, is closer than many may think.

But since this bubble is unlike every other bubble you’ve ever seen…

Some stocks could deliver life-changing kinds of gains.

In short…

We’re about to be at a crossroads. This bubble will be “make it or break it” for millions of Americans.

Many will be caught by surprise.

But I believe those who prepare could potentially build an entire retirement nest egg with just a few small moves…

And I’m going to outline my game plan step-by-step Wednesday afternoon.

That’s why it’s vital that you keep an eye on your inbox to stay up to speed with my upcoming Cash Bubble event.

To ensure you don’t miss my critical presentation, add your name to my guest list by clicking here.

To good profits,

Adam O’Dell

Chief Investment Strategist, Money & Markets

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