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Red Flag Warning: The One COVID-19 Vaccine Stock to Avoid

Moderna Stock Rating JNJ


COVID-19 Vaccine Stocks

We have no idea when a vaccine combating the deadly COVID-19 virus will be available.

But when the time comes, whether it’s in six months, a year or more, there will likely be several vaccines from different companies available.

Investors who have piled into pharma stocks in the past six months think the companies that are first to market with a coronavirus vaccine will profit.

But I don’t think that applies to all of them — at least not in the long term.

The deck is stacked against one company in particular, and any gains from a vaccine will be temporary at best.

In this episode of The Bull & The Bear, I reveal the one COVID-19 vaccine stock that you should stay away from at all costs.

I researched all of the companies involved in developing a vaccine — and I have to tell you about this one stock to avoid.

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Until next time…

Safe trading,





Matt Clark

Research Analyst, Money & Markets

Matt Clark is the research analyst for Money & Markets. He’s the host of our podcast, The Bull & The Bear, as well as the Marijuana Market Update. Before joining the team, he spent 25 years as an investigative journalist and editor — covering everything from politics to business.

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