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Did Russia Help Trump Become President?

Survey Results

Do You Believe Russia Interfered With The 2016 Election?

Yes, the evidence is clear.No, the investigation hasn’t found any proof.13.4%86.6%
Option Count
Yes, the evidence is clear. 2,964
No, the investigation hasn’t found any proof. 19,157

Do You Believe President Trump Will Be Impeached?

Yes, he will eventually be removed from office.No, he’s done nothing wrong, this is a witch hunt.92.3%
Option Count
Yes, he will eventually be removed from office. 1,707
No, he’s done nothing wrong, this is a witch hunt. 20,414

Who Did You Vote For In The 2016 Election?

Donald Trump.Hillary Clinton.92.8%
Option Count
Donald Trump. 20,534
Hillary Clinton. 1,587

Do You Believe Trump Will Be Re-elected In 2020?

Option Count
Yes. 20,244
No. 1,877
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