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Learn, Grow and Trade in Our Live Room

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Earlier this year, I wrote about my weekly options trading strategy, Wednesday Windfallsin a way few would ever expect from a financial newsletter writer…

I compared it to a supercharged muscle car, capable of neck-snapping power but also nerve-wracking handling.

The metaphor was inspired by an ad I saw for a ‘92 Chevy Monte Carlo … shortly after my wife and I moved to a small prefab home on just eight inches of elevation and 30 feet from the coastline in the Florida Keys.

That setting was, to us, equal parts extremely rewarding and occasionally terrifying … which I later saw as another analogy to my high-stakes Wednesday Windfalls strategy.

The rush of the rewards this strategy brings is palpable, with some weeks giving you the potential to multiply your money several times over in a mere 48 hours.

The nerve-wracking part, too, is ever present — since we’re buying short-dated options on a two-day hold period, all it takes is one bad day to knock us off course.

Though overall, our research on the strategy — back tests from 2003 onward and real-world trading — prove it has a positive expected edge over the long run, and thus anyone who shows up every Monday can expect great things over time.

And recently, we’ve been on a real hot streak — returning 19%, 103%, 9%, 23% and 136% through five consecutive trading weeks in June and July.

But I’m not here to give you the same old pitch for Wednesday Windfalls. If you know what it is, you know well enough by now if it’s right for you.

Instead, I want to tell you about a recent change we made to Wednesday Windfalls that takes it to a level like you’ve never seen before.

I’m immensely proud of this change … and cannot wait to continue iterating on it.

Because this turns Wednesday Windfalls into what I’m confident we all inherently crave: a community.

And I’m inviting you to that community today.

Taking Wednesday Windfalls Live

Two weeks ago, my team and I made two major, positive changes to Wednesday Windfalls.

For one, anyone that was subscribed to Wednesday Windfalls was given access to my longer-term options trading strategy, Max Profit Alert. The latter essentially took on Wednesday Windfalls as an additional strategy.

We found that the strategies complemented each other well, as a constant stream of short-term Wednesday Windfall trades could supplement the big-picture Max Profit Alert trades we hold for two to three months.

Safe to say, if you’re someone who likes to trade options, you’re right at home in the new and improved Max Profit Alert.

To be clear, that change extends to any newcomers, too. If you’re joining one membership, you’re now joining them both. (This research presentation shows you how to do just that.)

This decision fed directly into the next big change: We took Wednesday Windfalls live.

Every Monday morning, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. ET, I join my Chief Analyst Matt Clark along with hundreds of subscribers in an exclusive trade room environment. During that hour, we discuss our strategies and open positions in Max Profit Alert, explore candidates for the week’s Wednesday Windfalls trades, review the last week’s trades and, most importantly, stoke conversation in our community.

My hope was that this effort would not just “give a man a fish,” but “teach a man to fish” as we shared details about our trading systems that have never been put out to the public before…

And it delivers. Our system is rich with information to help a discerning trader make their own way, while also sharing their ideas with others in the community.

I also hoped it would show each member of our community just how we’re all striving toward the same goal of beating the market and having fun doing it.

About 200 people turned out to the first stream, and we had similar numbers in the second session yesterday. The messages I saw were incredible. And I mean all of them — the countless notes of thanks, the intelligent questions about what we do and why and the feedback on things we can improve.

Ronald F. chimed in as we closed yesterday’s room:

Lots of good information for me today. Appreciate it (even though I don’t get it all yet). Thanks.

Kurt A. added:

Your technical talk was excellent. Please repeat your process over and over. I learned a lot in just twenty minutes. Many thanks.

And Scott R. had a simple message of thanks (Thank you, Scott!):

Great meeting, guys. Keep up the great work.

And this is just the beginning…

Under One Roof

Look, I’m not here to shove triple-digit numbers in your face or extoll the endless virtues of a single method of investing. That’s just not my style and never has been.

My mantra has always been to simply provide the best research possible, using methods I fully believe in and trust that my work will fall into the right hands. Hearing from my subscribers in our first two Wednesday Windfalls sessions made it clear I’m on the right track.

As I said, the core of Wednesday Windfalls is everything it always has been. I recommend three uncorrelated call options trades, which seek to benefit from what has historically been the best 48-hour period of the week for stocks: Monday afternoon to Wednesday afternoon.

Likewise, Max Profit Alert is still a data-driven system that targets stocks set to lead their sectors higher (for bullish trades) … or drag them lower (for bearish trades) … with the perfect options trade to pull 100% profits or bigger in any situation.

But now, these two incredible options strategies are together “under one roof,” so to speak.

And also under that roof are hundreds of like-minded traders coming together to learn and share their ideas and experiences.

That should sound appealing to anyone looking to make the most of this market, no matter what it does next.

If it does to you,  check out this research presentation I recently put together, which details the Max Profit Alert strategy.

And if you decide to join, me and the rest of our community will see you in the Trade Room Monday morning.

To good profits,

Adam O’Dell
Chief Investment Strategist, Money & Markets

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