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A Big Money & Markets Thank-You!

thank you

Managing Editor’s Note: Happy Thanksgiving from each of us on the Money & Markets team! We hope you have a wonderful holiday filled with quality time with family and friends. We are thankful for so much this year! Read on to see what tops the list for Adam, Charles and Matt as we prepare to close out a prosperous 2021. Happy holidays! — Chad Stone

Adam O'Dell

Adam O’Dell, Chief Investment Strategist

I’m thankful for a life lesson my parents taught me early: Adapt to change.

We just celebrated our only son’s first birthday last month — so it has certainly been a year full of changes at home! I’m thankful for our health and the opportunity to see life in a new light.

I’m also thankful for the opportunity to be an investor … and “newsletter writer” … in the 21st century! Markets are evolving at breakneck speed. It’s a continual challenge to adapt and “move to where the puck is going.”

I’m thankful for the Money & Markets community — from each person on the team, who brings a unique value and contribution … to every one of our subscribers, longtime readers and loyal supporters … for making it fun and meaningful to come to work every day.

Charles Sizemore

Charles Sizemore, Co-Editor, Green Zone Fortunes

I have a lot to be thankful for this year.

To start, we’re all still here. We won’t have any empty chairs at Thanksgiving dinner. And after two years of a pandemic, we’ll call that a win.

Given my line of work, I have to say I’m thankful for the bull market. Insane wealth was created over the past few years, and we’re all a little richer. It’s easy to take it for granted … and it often isn’t until a nasty bear market that we appreciate what we have during a raging bull market.

I’m also thankful to live in a country where anything is possible. Even if I were to lose everything tomorrow, I know I could make it all back. The United States is that kind of place.

Sure, it’s messy and dysfunctional at times. And to outsiders, we often seem like a country of 300 million lunatics. But this is a land of opportunity … and we should all be thankful for that. So long as America’s aspiring entrepreneurs are willing to buck conventional wisdom and do things their own way, this will be a place where we can make fortunes.

And finally, I’m thankful to our readers. You’re the reason we’re all here.

Matt Clark

Matt Clark, Research Analyst

I am thankful for the birth of my first grandson, Gray. Every time I see him he has a smile on his face, which brings a smile to mine.

In addition, I am thankful to have my family — from my grandfather, whom I idolize, to my wife, who puts up with me on a daily basis, to our sons, who are a constant joy in our lives.

I’m also thankful to you, the members of our Money & Markets community. You are the reason we do what we do.

I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, and I’m looking forward to a prosperous close to the year.

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