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We at Money & Markets Are Thankful for…


Happy Thanksgiving from each of us on the Money & Markets team! This week, I asked Chief Investment Strategist Adam O’Dell, income expert Charles Sizemore and Research Analyst Matt Clark to share what they’re thankful for as we near the end of a tough year. We hope you’ll pause today to think about what you’re grateful for as well. — Chad Stone, Assistant Manager Editor

Adam O’Dell

I’m thankful for my son, who, like a long-dated call option, I see as having unlimited potential.

I’m thankful for my wife, who, like Coca-Cola, or Johnson & Johnson, has consistently paid dividends for the past 17 years. She’s my best “buy” ever.

And in 2020 — now more than ever — I’m thankful for the thousands of subscribers, from all around the world, who support our work … and in a way that allows us to work safely from home in the age of COVID-19, when so many others are not as fortunate to continue working without interruption or risk to their health.

Last, I’m thankful for my rockstar team at Money & Markets, where each member is passionate and dogged about bringing the highest-quality product to our subscribers. These guys and gals are a joy to work with and truly committed to excellence.

Charles Sizemore

This is 2020. So I’ll start by saying I’m thankful for my health, the health of my family and for the fact that my professional life hasn’t been completely blown up. Not everyone can say the same this year.

A lot of people are dealing with the loss of loved ones, wrecked health due to COVID-19 (or simply due to the stress of living under quarantine) and severe financial losses.

But while 2020 has been stressful, it’s also been wonderful. My wife and I welcomed our daughter into the world, and I’m thankful that her delivery was without incident. Mother and daughter made it through just fine.

I can’t say I’m thankful for online school. I’m sick of Zoom meetings, and I’m ready to get my older kids back into a real classroom as soon as possible. But all the same, it’s been nice having them around the house more, and I’ve enjoyed watching them play in the neighborhood with friends. Pre-COVID, children didn’t play in the streets like they did when I was a kid. That died 30 years ago when parents started overscheduling their kids’ lives. Well, kids play in the streets again, and it’s great. I hope that sticks around once the pandemic passes.

I’m thankful I live in a time and place where opportunities exist. Fortunes have been made this year, even in the worst pandemic in 100 years. That’s amazing if you stop and think about it. And the tech innovations we’ve all been forced to make this year will boost our productivity years from now when all of this is a distant memory.

And finally, I’m thankful for our readers! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families!

Matt Clark

Well, 2020 has been strange, to be sure.

A virus pandemic, lockdowns and a contentious election have been on my mind for most of this year.

But, for all the panic and divisiveness, I have a lot to be thankful for:

  1. Health — It’s easy to take your health for granted. Of course, with the coronavirus continuing to spread, it might not be as easy now as it once was. But even during the heights of the pandemic, I’m thankful that I have remained healthy.
  2. Family — This has been a trying year for just about everyone. Millions of us have been forced to change our lifestyle. Sometimes, that doesn’t end well. I’ve been thankful to have a supportive family around me every day.
  3. My team — I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the team of awesome people I get to work with every day. My colleagues Chad, Charles and Adam — not to mention our Senior Managing Editor Kristen, our marketer Louis and our publisher Nate. I’m fortunate to have not only great coworkers, but fantastic friends that I don’t know what I would do without. I have learned a ton from each of them and wouldn’t trade a single one.
  4. Music — I’m a music person. I always have been and always will be. Music is a direct connection to my emotions … whether happy, sad, fearful or thankful.

And as Adam and Charles mentioned, we’re thankful for each one of you. Happy Thanksgiving, folks!