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Trump Calls for Investigation Into Obamas’ Netflix, Book Deals

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Awash in a seemingly never-ending stream of investigations, President Donald Trump tried to turn the tables Monday, calling for an investigation into a $65 million book deal and another Netflix production deal with former President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle.

Trump again first slammed the Mueller report, which he said “Democrats have given up on” (more on that later), in a pair of morning tweets.

Trump’s outburst was likely in response to repeated complaints from Democrats that he is violating the emoluments clause of the Constitution and enriching himself by not divesting from his businesses and putting everything into a blind trust. The emoluments clause prohibits elected officials from receiving gifts from foreign leaders without congressional approval, such as world leaders staying at Trump properties when they visit the states.

More complaints came after Vice President Mike Pence stayed at Trump’s Turnberry resort while visiting Ireland, and Air Force pilots recently stayed at Trump property in Scotland during refueling stops.

Jimmy Carter famously put his peanut farm and warehouse into a blind trust when he became president. The farm was mismanaged while he was in office and was $1 million in debt by the time he resumed control after leaving office.

Trump revisited the subject later Monday morning in another pair of tweets.

Of course, presidents getting book deals after leaving office is the norm and hardly out of the ordinary. Though, the Netflix deal is a newer thing with the rise of streaming services. The Netflix deal is for the Obamas to produce a film series, the first of which was released last month titled “American Factory: A Conversation With the Obamas.”

As far as the Mueller report, California Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell intimated that the House of Representatives isn’t done with it and advised everyone to “stay tuned.”