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Weiss: Oil’s Plunging Prices Signal Global Great Depression

worst global recession investing during a recession

World oil prices have plunged below $11 per barrel last week, the lowest level in this century and before.

“When politicians are fighting and people are screaming, listen to the markets, and you will hear the truth.”

That’s lower than during the Great Debt Crisis of 2008 and even lower than the late 1990s when it seemed the entire energy sector was doomed.

Beware: This decline is not just reflecting a spat between Russia and Saudi Arabia. That’s mostly resolved.

Nor is it strictly about supply gluts. Those were present before.

Rather, the oil-price crash mostly reflects — and signals — a second Great Depression that’s sweeping across the globe.

It all reminds me of these words of wisdom …

“When politicians are fighting and people are screaming, listen to the markets, and you will hear the truth.”

That’s what my father taught me when I first joined him on Wall Street in the late 1960s.

And that’s what this chart of the oil market is telling us right now:

Notice how oil has busted below all the lows of this century and continues to crash even as we speak.

The consequences are far-reaching for four reasons:

First, the oil-price plunge is gutting the revenues and profits of America’s largest — and smallest — energy companies.

Second, it crushes the economy of the world’s leading export countries — not only of OPEC nations, but also of the United States.

Third, it means that consumer and industrial demand is crashing globally.

And fourth, that implies massive deflation — not only for commodities like oil, but also for goods and services of all kinds.

With global deflation of this magnitude and scope also comes plunging corporate earnings, widespread cancellation of dividends and a great bear market in stocks.

How can you profit?

We have a breakthrough strategy.

As an illustration, in just one day in March, we saw 287 winners selected by the Weiss Stock Ratings with gains ranging from 300% to 11,700%.

And we saw it happen again day after day.

For the details, be sure to watch my emergency briefing, Collapse of 2020: How to Prepare and Profit.

Good luck and God bless!
