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Why I Joined the Money & Markets Team

Money & Markets welcomes Mike Carr

I recently joined the Money & Markets team. I know I’ve been featured on Money & Markets for a while now, and I work alongside Matt Clark in my Precision Profits trade room — but now it’s official. I’m excited about this move and want to share why I made the switch with you.

I started with Banyan Hill about six years ago. I love the people at Banyan Hill. And I’ll still be working with them. You see, Banyan Hill and Money & Markets are siblings. They share a single C-suite of executives. That means I’m working with the same CEO and COO as before. There’s no changes to the tech team and other support.

The Money & Markets team aligns more with my shorter-term, systematic focus on trading. Adam O’Dell, my long-time friend, works in multiple time frames. He shares insights on stocks likely to be winners in the next year or more along with stocks that are likely to deliver gains in the next two days. His team understands there is massive potential in both the short and long term.

My time frame is generally short term. In some cases, I’m thinking about where stocks will be in five hours. Usually my time frame is measured in weeks.

By tapping into my new team’s resources, I’ll be able to do more than I ever have before.

I’m looking forward to benefitting from their expertise and bringing more profitable ideas to you.

What to Look Forward to With Mike

Editor’s Note: As Mike said above, he’s no stranger to Money & Markets. He’s been featured in some capacity on our website and newsletters for a few years at this point. But we’re thrilled to now be able to work with him and his team in a larger capacity going forward.

We wanted to take a moment to feature some of Mike’s most popular insights from the last few months to show you what you can expect going forward:

You can see that Mike has his finger on the pulse of the market and the economy. And we can’t wait for him to share more with you going forward as a part of the Money & Markets team.

If you have any questions for Mike or the team as he gets settled in, feel free to email us at We’d love to feature them in a future edition of Stock Power Daily.

Have a great week!

– The Money & Markets team