It Might Be a Bull Market, But AI Stock Rating System Says Not So Fast

Since ChatGPT came roaring on the scene — registering over 100 million users in just two months — artificial intelligence is all the rage.

Billionaires are calling AI “the most important tech advance in decades” … “the most powerful tool that mankind has ever created” … and “more important than fire or electricity.”

And tech insiders are saying AI will revolutionize medicine, manufacturing, education, retail, insurance and nearly every other industry.

But there’s one industry few people are talking about, and even fewer have mastered. 

I’m talking about investing.

Today, Adam O’Dell, a pioneer in AI investing … a man who spent the last decade developing his patent pending AI stock rating system … is stepping forward to reveal his system’s controversial new findings.

I think you will be surprised to see that his system just rated 1,918 stocks — that’s 40% of ALL stocks … as bearish and high-risk.

The scary thing is, many of these stocks are getting Wall Street’s highest ratings, even being touted as “safe havens.”

You’ll want to get the complete list of stocks right away — there’s a good chance many of these could be lurking in your nest egg.

For instance, Amazon, Target, Ford and Disney are among those his system has identified as bearish and high-risk.

You’ll want to consider selling them right away.

Not tomorrow. Not next week. Today.

They could fall 50% … 75% … 95% … or more … and you could lose everything.

That’s why it’s important you see Adam’s newest video right away.

To get full details, click here right now — while his presentation is still available online.