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Fed Survey: Vast Majority Not Prepared for Retirement

retirement Survey of Economic Well Being

The latest report on the Survey of Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households for 2017 was recently released by everyone’s favorite whipping boy, the Federal Reserve, and it contained some alarming revelations, especially regarding peoples’ lack of preparedness for retirement.

The annual survey is designed to better understand how U.S. adults feel about the state of their finances. About 12,000 people received the survey near the end of 2017.

Real Investment Advice put together a quick breakdown of the positive and negative highlights:

Positive Highlights

Areas of Concern or Importance

Lessons To Be Learned

  1. The financial industry has done a horrible job at educating consumers about the true nature of stocks and personal finance in general. I mean, not even the Fed can’t get it right when it comes to understanding the long-term inherent risk of the stock market. Bless their hearts. The entire industry pushes the myth that stocks are safe in the long run and the Federal Reserve supports it.
  2. Financial vulnerability remains a factor for many U.S. households. Our culture of spending is hazardous especially now as borrowing costs increase.
  3. Households must establish financial boundaries and learn how to say “no,” more often to family and friends who require financial support.