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Clinton Foundation Flounders Without ‘Influence to Sell’

How much money does the Clinton Foundation have

The Clinton Foundation, run by former President Bill Clinton and former first lady, Secretary of State and New York Senator Hillary Clinton, is floundering now that the pair is no longer in office and without power and influence to sell, Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer said this week.

“All that money has now dried up, literally,” Schweizer said on Fox News‘ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” program. “The Clinton Foundation has had a hard time raising money because they don’t have the influence to sell. They don’t have power access to sell and that, I think, is the primary evidence for what the Clinton enterprise was all about.

“The Clinton Foundation literally raised 10% of what it did in 2009 when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, and the international numbers are even worse.”

Following the 2016 election, in which Hillary Clinton lost to current President Donald Trump, the Clinton Foundation has posted three straight years of monumental donation shortages, according to their 2018 tax documents. The documents show the foundation lost $16.8 million on revenue of $30.7 million in 2018, and has posted about $16 million in losses every year since 2015, when it had a staggering $116 million in revenue.

Clinton Foundation Director Bruce Lindsey’s reportable income remains the same from 2017 to 2018, when he took home $362,000.

Of course, foundation spokesman Brian Cookstra says media reports revealing the foundation’s struggles are fake news.

“These reports are not accurate. Our entire 990 shows our work was fully funded by donations, grants, savings from prior years and interest from our endowment,” Cookstra told Fox Business. “In the last year, the Clinton Foundation’s programs have grown to help more people, and we are committed to operating programs that are effective, efficient and sustainable.”

Hillary Clinton has floated several times recently that there is a chance she will enter the crowded field of Democratic primary challengers to potentially face Trump again in the 2020 election.

“I, as I say, never, never, never say never and I will certainly tell you I’m under enormous pressure from many, many, many people to think about it,” Clinton said recently on BBC Radio.

It will be interesting to see IF she does run, what impact that might have on her foundation when the possibility of more influence to sell becomes a reality.

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