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[Contest] Win New Money & Markets Gear for the Holidays!


Free stuff is great. Money & Markets-branded free stuff is even better!

We’d love to send our new apparel to you, our dedicated readers. Here’s your chance to win a super-comfy T-shirt or sweatshirt to brag about at an upcoming holiday gathering.

Chief investment strategist Adam O’Dell’s proprietary Green Zone Ratings system is at the core of everything we do at Money & Markets.

This incredible tool helps you find the best stocks to invest in now. And it might help you win some free Money & Markets swag today!

Green Zone Ratings Contest

Here’s how today’s Green Zone Ratings contest works: We want you to use Adam’s system to find a certain stock ticker.

We have four clues to help you figure out the company:

  1. This company’s CEO made headlines this week after he posted a controversial Twitter poll concerning his own stock holdings.
  2. This company is part of the electric vehicle stock mega trend.
  3. I wrote about this stock on October 30. Click here, or on anyone’s byline, to catch up on what we’ve been writing about.
  4. The stock currently rates “Neutral” in Green Zone Ratings.

Once you have an idea of what company we are looking for, it’s time to find the ticker in Green Zone Ratings. I’ve included a quick refresher on how to use Green Zone Ratings toward the end of the story.

After using Adam’s system to find the stock related to the clues above, email us at with your answer. We are looking for the company name AND the current Green Zone Rating of the company.

Example: General Motors has a current Green Zone Rating of 48.

It’s that easy!

If you are one of the first 10 people to email the correct response, we’ll send you a link so you can pick out your Money & Markets prize. You don’t need to provide us with a mailing address this time around.

We’ll only accept your first guess, so please do not send multiple emails with multiple responses.

Feel free to let us know how your scavenger hunt went as well. We are always looking for ways to improve your Money & Markets experience.

Click here or the button below to email us with your answer now.

How to Find a Stock’s Green Zone Rating

Here’s a quick refresher on how to use Green Zone Ratings to look up stocks:

  1. Find the search bar on the Money & Markets home page. It’s in the upper right corner.

  1. Search for a company or stock ticker. Adam’s system rates more than 8,000 stocks!
  2. Click that company name or ticker to go to that stock’s Green Zone Ratings page.

That’s all you need to know to get started with Green Zone Ratings. If you’d like a more in-depth guide or a video walkthrough from research analyst Matt Clark, go here.

Good luck with the contest!

Best investing,

Chad Stone

Assistant Managing Editor, Money & Markets

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