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Our Work-From-Home Picks Have Soared — and It’s Not Too Late to Buy

The coronavirus has tested all of us.

Business lockdowns have changed how we shop. And social distancing has changed how we communicate.

But one big change has opened the door to triple-digit gains for investors.

How we work.

Millions of Americans have been forced to work from home as businesses try to distance employees and curb the spread of the coronavirus.

I’m writing this from home right now as the Money & Markets team continues to work remotely.

Investors have won big buying into companies that help businesses maintain a workflow, despite employees not coming to the office.

On March 18, we recommended six work-from-home stocks of companies that provide those services.

And, collectively, those companies have gained nearly 100% in just four months!

Congratulations if you followed our recommendations. Did you buy any of these stocks? Let us know how you’re doing at

But these gains are just the beginning. And I’ll tell you why.

Working From Home Gains More Steam

Our office here in South Florida closed at the height of the coronavirus outbreak in March.

Despite the state reopening, our bosses felt it prudent to remain closed.

And, as a second wave of coronavirus infections ravage the country, other businesses are maintaining a work-from-home policy.

It’s a trend that will continue even after the pandemic has passed.

A survey by research firm Gartner found nearly 75% of companies plan to keep at least 5% of their workforce remote after COVID-19.

Work-From-Home Trend to Continue After COVID-19

Gartner’s Alexander Bant said companies are under pressure to cut costs. A remote workforce is a big way to do it.

Our Work-From-Home Stocks Knocked It Out of the Park

When we first recommended these six work-from-home stocks, we had no idea how much the coronavirus would change the way we work.

But we knew businesses would need programs and tools to ensure operations ran smoothly, and productivity didn’t collapse.

And, boy, did that pay off. Here’s how our recommendations have done so far:

Didn’t Buy Our Work-From-Home Stocks in March? That’s OK

If you followed our recommendations, that’s great. Enjoy those gains.

If you missed out, that’s OK too. These companies will keep growing.

As a second phase of lockdowns goes into effect in some states, businesses will keep employees home for their safety. And the companies listed above provide the services to do it.

Once we are past the coronavirus pandemic, businesses will remain in a cost-cutting mode. Allowing employees to work from home is a great place to start.

So, if you bought into these companies in March, keep hanging on … more gains are on the way.

If you didn’t, consider buying these work-from-home stocks now to realize future profits as remote work remains the norm.