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The Great Vaccine Race: Don’t Bet the Farm on Novavax

Novavax stock

Once in a while, you get a little nugget of advice that really sticks in your head.

As a lad fresh out of college and eager to put that finance degree to work, I told an older trader that I was buying shares of a promising biotech start-up.

It was going to cure cancer … or AIDS … or maybe it was Alzheimer’s. It’s been 20 years, so the details are fuzzy.

But, whatever it was, this company was going to cure it and make me wealthy.

He smiled, knowingly, and asked: “You’re just buying the one?”

He then went on to tell me that investing in biotech is a like throwing a big plate of spaghetti on the wall and seeing what sticks.

I kept that in mind as I looked at shares of Novavax Inc. (Nasdaq: NVAX) today.

Novavax stock has had an incredible run in 2020. Had you bought shares at the first of the year and held them, you would have made 35 times your money.

That’s the kind of return you can see in biotech … when it pans out. Novavax is one of those proverbial spaghetti noodles that managed to stick.

Novavax is starting the second phase of human testing for its COVID-19 vaccine. It is performing trials on about 3,000 adults in South Africa, in part with funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

The phase 1 results were promising, which explains Novavax’s incredible run. The company that produces the most reliable COVID vaccine will make billions.

Of course, Novavax is more than just a COVID play.

Its most promising product may be its vaccine for the good old-fashioned seasonal flu, NanoFlu. We don’t know which COVID vaccine will prove most effective. But NanoFlu appears to be a better mousetrap among flu shots.

Does any of this make Novavax a stock worth buying? Let’s take a look at Novavax stock using Adam O’Dell’s Green Zone Ratings system.

How Novavax Stock Ranks

At first glance, it doesn’t look good. Novavax has an overall rating of just 45, putting it in the bottom half of all stocks.

So, based on a systematic analysis, you shouldn’t buy Novavax stock. Or at least not with your nest egg.

But a biotech play like this can be an interesting speculation. And there’s nothing wrong with taking a roll of the dice with a small amount of your capital. Kudos to anyone who enjoyed the thousands of percent of gains in the stock this year.

But a stock like this is, at best, a trade. And it’s a wildly speculative one at that. You don’t want to bet your retirement on it.

Money & Markets contributor Charles Sizemore specializes in income and retirement topics. Charles is a regular on The Bull & The Bear podcast. He is also a frequent guest on CNBC, Bloomberg and Fox Business.

Follow Charles on Twitter @CharlesSizemore.

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