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Use Green Zone Power Ratings to Find Stocks to Crush the Market 3-1

Green Zone Power Ratings analyzes thousands of stocks daily to uncover those with the highest upside potential while minimizing your risk.

Just enter a stock symbol above, and click “SEARCH” to instantly see our proprietary Green Zone Rating for each stock. Stocks with a rating of 80 and above are “Strong Bullish” stocks and have consistently beaten the market by 3-1 over the past 23 years.

Know What to Look for with Green Zone Power Ratings

Every stock rated by Green Zone Power Ratings receives an overall 0 – 100 rating. The higher the rating, the greater the expected upside return over the next 12 months.

Green Zone Power Ratings uses our powerful AI algorithm to assess a company based on six factors. Each factor receives its own rating between 0-100, along with the overall ratings.

Three of the factors are technical (aka they are related to as stock’s current price and trading activity):

  • MomentumStrongly uptrending stocks earn higher momentum ratings. We prefer to buy stocks that are already trending higher and at a faster rate than the overall market. This approach can increase our odds of success and decrease risk.
  • SizeSmaller companies earn higher size ratings. We prefer to buy smaller companies for the extra “juice” that typically comes with them.
  • VolatilityLess volatile stocks earn higher volatility ratings. We prefer low-volatility stocks because they’re proven to generate superior risk-adjusted returns over the long run — with less heartburn.

The other three factors are fundamental. These analyze a stock’s financial standing and future prospects:

  • ValueLess expensive (aka “cheap”) stocks earn higher value ratings. We prefer to buy great companies at good prices because the price we pay changes how much we get from future returns. Overpaying for a stock is a costly mistake.
  • QualityHigh-quality companies earn higher quality ratings. We prefer to buy high-quality companies, of course! To determine quality, the model considers a company’s returns, profit margins, cash flows, debt ratios and operational efficiency, among other things.
  • GrowthHigh-growth companies earn higher growth ratings. All things equal, we prefer to buy companies that are growing both revenues and earnings at faster rates than the market and economy.

For example, Apple is currently rated a Bullish 66 out of 100. With a strong Momentum rating of 84, a top-notch Quality rating of 94, and a power growth rating of 72.

AAPL green zone power ratings

AAPL’s Green Zone Power Ratings in June 2023.

Conversely, finding stocks with low ratings can help you steer clear of risky investments that could drag your portfolio down:

Like AMC Entertainment, with an overall “High-Risk” rating of 8. Along with poor value, growth, and size ratings.

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AMC’s Green Zone Power Ratings in June 2023.

Green Zone Power Ratings is Your Advantage Over the Market

Use Green Zone Power Ratings to analyze the stocks in your current portfolio. Or simply to stay up to date on the overall market trends so you can discover stocks that are set to outperform the market by 3-1 over the next 12 months.

Green Zone Power Ratings makes it easy. Just type a company name or ticker in the search bar above to instantly see its proprietary rating and full analysis.

Give your investments and advantage and unlock stocks with market-crushing potential using the power of Green Zone Power Ratings today!