Archive Category: 10x Profits Archives

A “50/50” Approach — When and How to Cheat

Today, I’m slated to share with you my “50/50” approach to monetizing hedges – a conversation you can review (Part I, Part II) if you were off on a Mediterranean holiday in May. See, we got long VXX on May 6 because our systematic market-timing model told us to.

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May Performance Review The Classic Whipsaw

Well, that was an annoying month. For one, we suffered through the classic definition of whipsaw. See, the less-classic definition is: a series of short-lived trades in which you flip back and forth between “long” and “short” positions. Sometimes, those flip-flop trades net you a profit. I’ve shown before how that’s the case with my 10X Profits market-timing model over the long run.

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