Archive Category: 10x Profits Archives

What “Optimal” Looks Like to Us: The Importance of Objective Function

We revisited the concept of action bias last week. We humans are biased toward taking action. We often act only because it feels like the right thing to do. Sometimes, sitting on your hands and waiting is the optimal solution. But abstaining from action can be challenging because of action bias. You may feel pressure — from yourself or others — to “do something!”

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We’re Not Forecasters: The Point of Systematic Market Timing

Today, we’ll revisit a 10X Profits issue I originally wrote in waaaay back in August 2018. I also reviewed it one year ago, in July 2020. In 2018, stocks were breaking out to new all-time highs, extending what had become the “longest bull market ever.” Most mainstream commentary about the market revolved around how “old” the bull market was, and thus, how risky or unwise it was to buy in at those new-high levels.

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