Archive Category: 10X Stocks Archive

A Quick Update

I hope you’re having a pleasant week. I’m going to keep this update short as I am out of office working on some exciting things for the future of Money & Markets. It’s been a wild month, but I think you’re going to love what comes next.

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This Is When Our SQQQ Hedge Shines

I hope you enjoyed the guest appearance by my lead research analyst, Matt Clark, last week. I thought his inside scoop on the future path of Clean Energy Fuels Corp. (Nasdaq: CLNE) was super. You can check it out here if you missed it. One last housekeeping note from me… The launch of my brand-new service, Infinite Momentum Alert, has been a huge success. We’ve welcomed hundreds of subscribers to this new venture, and I just recorded the first weekly video update, which goes out tomorrow. We’re off to a strong start … and it’s not too late to join us!

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Exclusive: Insider Research on Clean Energy Fuels (CLNE)

Adam here. We’ve got some really important news today concerning Clean Energy Fuels Corp. (Nasdaq: CLNE), one of two biofuel stock recommendations in the 10X Stocks model portfolio. But first… For the past year, the Money & Markets team and I have been working diligently in the background on a completely new kind of investment strategy… I gave you a sneak peek last week, but with the big reveal less than a week away, I wanted to make sure you had a chance to add this event to your calendar now.

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A Systematic Twist on Stock Trading

Today, I want to take a quick break from our normal weekly updates … to tell you about a brand-new stock-trading service I’m launching later this month! First, though, let me assure you that I have ZERO intentions of ending what we’re doing here at 10X Stocks … nor will I change our strategy in any way. We will continue to target +1,000% returns by following our simple three-step approach: Identifying the right mega trend. Identifying the right stock. And identifying the right time to buy in.

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Sell These “High Yield” Time Bombs Today

Investors are hungry for yield… Actually, that’s an understatement. They’re the hungriest they’ve been in 20 years. A quick look at Google Trends shows that searches for the phrase “high yield” exploded fourfold earlier this year: It makes perfect sense. Sustained inflation, combined with the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes, made high-yield investments a staple of nearly everyone’s financial plan. But there’s a good and a bad way to “reach for yield.” As Chad Stone pointed out on Friday, one of the best ways is to buy quality dividend stocks. Emphasis on “quality.”

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