Archive Category: 10X Stocks Archive

An Anniversary Well Worth Celebrating

Time flies when you’re having fun… We’re coming up on the 1-year anniversary of 10X Stocks. And what a year it’s been. June 10, 2022 seemed like an awful time, at the time, to launch any kind of research advisory. The S&P 500 was 18% off its highs, and inflation was at its highest in decades. But going a step further, 10X Stocks is a long-stock strategy biased towards small caps. At launch, the Russell 2000 was down 26% from its highs. The year that followed the launch wasn’t all that kind to the small-cap sector in totality, either. But it was kind to our 10X Stocks portfolio. Take a look here…

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The $5 Stock Strategy in Action

I’ve shared a lot in recent weeks about the overlooked opportunities in “$5 stocks.” Essentially, an SEC rule dating back to the 1930s makes stocks that trade under $5 a share all but totally off-limits to the large institutional investors that tend to move markets. Many institutional funds have mandates and rules that force them to sell as soon as a stock falls under $5, no matter its quality or potential. And Wall Street’s analysts pretty much ignore $5 stocks.

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The Sweet Spot of Volatility

This week, some important notes on why and how we look for the “sweet spot” of volatility in our 10X Stocks recommendations. But before we get to that, an important question… Have you been reading The Banyan Edge? That’s the value-rich e-letter that our sister publisher, Banyan Hill, puts out seven days a week.

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New Research: 5 Can’t-Miss Recommendations for Under $5 Each

Today, I’m sharing five brand-new stock recommendations to take advantage of a rare, frankly unmissable convergence of factors. These companies are all supremely high-quality and cheaply valued. They’re taking part in powerful long-term mega trends that are just getting started. And several of them are squarely in the small-cap space — which means they’re the perfect stock to start building positions in right now as each day takes us closer to the end of the bear market. But there’s one factor that all of these stocks share which cannot be understated. Each of them trades for under $5 per share. And it’s for that reason that I believe they’ll soar 500% or more in the next year.

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