Archive Category: 10X Stocks Archive

“Oil Super Bull” Stocks Are Still Cheap

I just wrote a piece for The Banyan Edge on “value” investing. Watch for it to drop tomorrow. If you aren’t aware, The Banyan Edge is a free daily newsletter we email to more than 225,000 investors. My colleagues and close friends — Charles Sizemore, Ian King, Mike Carr and Charles Mizrahi — are also each featured on a particular day of the week. It’s our opportunity to write about the investment trends and topics we’re most passionate about … and provide truly valuable information, analysis and recommendations. My day of the week is FRIDAY…

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The Toxic Retirement Timebomb You Never Asked For

If you’re like most investors I know, you probably hold the following beliefs, even if subconsciously: Buying stocks is noble because it funds innovation, growth and prosperity, and… “Shorting” stocks is evil. I agree with #1 … but am here today to dispute the misconception in #2. Look, I get why “shorting” stocks appears less than noble. The optics of some high-powered Wall Street trader taking home billions in profits while grandma loses 50% of her 401(k)… It feels icky. But it’s not the whole story.

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A Brief Update as TSLA Sets Up for the Next Big Short

Just a brief note today, as I’m traveling to an off-site company meeting. Otherwise, it’s a big day for Max Profit Alert… We just released the presentation I put together on our short Tesla trade. It’s called “The Next Big Short.” As I mentioned last week, my hope is that we’ll welcome a large group of new subscribers to the service, allowing more folks to get in on the Tesla trade I’ve been writing about since last summer.

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