Archive Category: 10X Stocks Archive

GARP — The Goldilocks Zone Between Value and Growth

First, I hope you all had a great holiday and New Year’s. 2022 was a wild year and I’m looking forward to a wealth of opportunities I expect to find in 2023. Today, I want to talk about a lesser-known “value” investing strategy, which goes by the acronym: GARP — that is: “Growth at a Reasonable Price.” The strategy, made popular by Warren Buffett, involves identifying stocks that are growing revenues and profits at a sustainable, above-average pace … and still trade at a reasonably attractive valuation.

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My Biggest Oil Play Yet … Plus Bonus Energy Trades!

Adam O’Dell here with 10X Stocks! If you’ve read any of my updates recently … or any of my pieces for The Banyan Edge … you’ll know that I’m getting all my readers invested in energy in a massive way. And today, we’re buying into my No. 1 oil play, one that’s poised to rally amid a new, highly profitable super bull market in energy stocks.

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