Archive Category: 10X Stocks Archive

The Market’s Closed … Happy Thanksgiving!

Whether you’re an avid 10X Fortunes reader or a new-to-the-family rookie … I hope you’re having a wonderful Thanksgiving! The market’s closed today, and the whole Money & Markets team is spending the day with our families. I hope you get the chance to do the same. As a self-admitted perfectionist, I don’t spend as much time feeling thankful as I probably should. I always want more for myself and my subscribers … always push hard toward a new, loftier goal … and never feel satisfied with the status quo. Then Thanksgiving rolls around…

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My Take on Crypto’s “Madoff” Moment

Today, I want to talk about Marathon Digital Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq: MARA) … the one “crypto” play we hold in our 10X Fortunes model portfolio… Because, well, news flow on crypto is downright ugly right now. It all centers on crypto’s third-largest centralized exchange, FTX, and Founder Sam Bankman-Fried, who’s more commonly referred to as “SBF.” The storyline of FTX’s implosion slowly dripped out over the past week and a half.

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