Archive Category: 10X Stocks Archive

The Surprising Secret for 10X Gains

Volatility. It’s a word that most investors have been trained to hate. Just seeing it in print might make the hairs stand up on the back of your neck. But volatility can also work in your favor, helping you unlock truly massive gains faster than anyone expected.

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NuScale Primed to Deliver +1,000%

Today, our focus is on the newest addition to the 10X Stocks portfolio, NuScale Power Corp. (NYSE: SMR). I’m eager to share more about the company, as I believe it’s becoming increasingly evident that this is a tremendous long-term opportunity.

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Update: TME Leads Chinese Stocks in 2024

Let’s face it: China is a polarizing subject. That’s particularly true for geopolitical pundits and armchair historians. But even amongst investors, whose only goal should be to seek the largest (risk-adjusted) gains possible … China is a “no-go” space for many.

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AI Is Nothing Without Good Data (and Tons of it, too)

Salesforce really hit the nail on the head in its latest commercial with Matthew McConaughey… “If AI is the Wild West, is data the new gold?” Artificial intelligence (aka “AI”) is a bleeding-edge technology that promises to transform everything in our personal and professional lives.

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