Archive Category: Apex Alert (Alerts)

Trade Alert: Buy SIGA

Today, I’m recommending SIGA Technologies Inc. (Nasdaq: SIGA) as our first official Green Zone Fortunes PRO position. I’ll be sending you a few introductory emails with more details about the strategy and how it works later in the week.

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Apex Trade Alert: Sell GRMN on Monday, June 10

On Monday, we’ll close our position in Garmin Ltd. (GRMN). We opened this trade on April 16 when the Apex Profit Calendar showed us it was time to buy a top-ranked stock in the technology sector. Action to Take: Sell GRMN at the market price on June 10, 2024.

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Apex Trade Alert: Sell TOL on Monday, May 6

On Monday, we’ll be closing our position in Toll Brothers, Inc. (TOL). We opened this trade on April 12 when the Apex Profit Calendar showed us it was time to buy a top-ranked stock in the homebuilding sector. Action to Take: Sell TOL at the market price on May 6, 2024.

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