Archive Category: Apex Alert Archive

More on Filling Orders & Your Next Trade

Last week, I heard from many of you about your experience trading Donnelley Financial Solutions, Inc. (NYSE: DFIN). Thank you to everyone who wrote in the share feedback on our first Apex Alert position. Officially, we’re showing an 11.33% gain in the model portfolio. Many of you locked in a little more than that. Others a little less. But overall, the results were consistent with what we can expect for the fills. Several of you, including Laurie L. and Bob T., noted that there was some selling pressure at the open when we closed DFIN. There was also buying pressure at the open when we bought Logitech International SA (Nasdaq: LOGI).

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Update on DFIN & Your Questions Answered

First of all, congratulations on your recent winning trade. You posted your first double-digit gain in Apex Alert after closing Donnelley Financial Solutions, Inc. (NYSE: DFIN) earlier today. Officially, we’re showing an 11.33% gain. You may have made more or less on the position depending on your specific entry and exit prices. But it should be close to 11%.

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Tell Me About Your Experience With DFIN

Earlier today, we closed our position in Donnelley Financial Solutions, Inc. (NYSE: DFIN) — our very first trade in Apex Alert. After entering it on October 27 and holding for five weeks, we locked in an 11.33% gain in the model portfolio. Congrats on your winning trade. If you haven’t done so already, be sure to sell your DFIN position before the market’s close today.

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Apex Portfolio Update & More Answers to Your Questions

We’ll start this week’s Apex Alert portfolio update by answering some of your recent questions before reviewing our portfolio. But before doing so, I need to say that not everyone will align with my answers. That’s because Apex Alert is not intended to account for every possible factor in the market. It’s simply a powerful strategy that has shown great results in the backtest. It is being implemented exactly as tested to maximize the probability of achieving similar results in the future.

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