Archive Category: Green Zone Fortunes (Alerts)

Trade Alert: Sell Half of Your GNE Shares

Shares of Genie Energy (NYSE:GNE) are going “vertical” today. They’re up more than 15% from Friday’s close on the company’s earnings report, which showed a 54% year-over-year increase in revenue, to a record $125 million. When I recommended buying shares of GNE in the March 2023 issue of Green Zone Fortunes, I set a profit target of $38 over three years.

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Trade Alert: Sell Half of Your PWR Shares

Long-time Green Zone Fortunes readers know I’m bullish on the energy sector. And I won’t be fooled into picking sides between the legacy fossil-fuel producers and the up-and-coming renewable, or “green” energy companies. Sure, those two sides of the energy spectrum are battling among themselves for market share of the future of energy … but that doesn’t mean that investors can only do well if we pick the eventual “winner.”

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Action to Take: Sell Shares of A10 Networks

Delays happen in business all the time. The problem, however, is any delay in business operations hurts a company’s bottom line. Companies may not be able to get a product to consumers on time, or  negotiations may delay an acquisition… Both of these things happened in the third quarter for A10 Networks (NYSE: ATEN), leading the company to prepare investors for lower-than-expected earnings. As a result, ATEN reached its stop price, so we’ll follow our discipline and sell today.

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2 Actions to Take + Your Monthly Green Zone Fortunes Issue

What a month! On the good side, my team and I have worked tirelessly to release the first new trading system I’ve designed in years, Infinite Momentum Alert. The response has been incredible and humbling. On the bad side, markets have taken a turn and are on track to close out the worst trading month this year. Since September 1, the S&P 500 has lost around 5.6%, and the Nasdaq Index has lost more than 7% and is creeping toward correction territory. That brings me to this month’s Green Zone Fortunes issue. Simply put: I am not recommending a new position this month. I am recommending you sell two positions (more on that below).

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