Archive Category: Infinite Momentum Alert (Alerts)

It’s Our 7th “Refresh Day” – Swap Out 4 Stocks

It’s here again … “Refresh Day.” Our seventh one, in fact, since launching Infinite Momentum Alert last September. For anyone who is new — having joined us in the last few weeks — “Refresh Day” is a great time to jump in and establish your first 10-stock Infinite Momentum Alert portfolio!

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It’s Our 6th “Refresh Day” – Swap Out 5 Stocks

It’s here again … “Refresh Day.”vOur sixth one, in fact — at least for charter members who joined when we first launched Infinite Momentum Alert last September.vFor anyone who is new — having joined us in the last few weeks — “Refresh Day” is a great time to jump in and establish your first 10-stock Infinite Momentum portfolio!

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It’s Our 5th “Refresh Day” — Swap Out 3 Stocks

It’s time for another “Refresh Day.” As I mentioned in our recent mailbag series, we’re switching up how we deliver this trade alert to you. I’ll send the trade alert around 6 p.m. Eastern time on the Thursday before Refresh Day. And then, my team will forward the exact same trade alert to you at 8 a.m. Eastern on Friday morning.

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It’s Our 3rd “Refresh Day” — Swap Out 4 Stocks

It’s time for another “Refresh Day.” My system has refreshed the thousands of data points that have come in over the past four weeks and made a new determination of the 10 best stocks to hold over the next four weeks. My system has reaffirmed six of the stocks we currently own as “holds” heading into our fourth month.

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