Archive Category: Infinite Momentum Alert Archive

Member’s Mailbag: How Green Zone Power Ratings Factors In and More

It’s time for another Member’s Mailbag! As I mentioned last month, the volume of questions we’re getting each week has slowed a bit since we initially launched this service last year. That’s a good sign as I see it … as it shows we’ve already covered a lot of important topics and thus have a far better understanding of the strategy and how to implement it.

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Why 10 Stocks?

A few months back, a member of my team asked a poignant question about our Infinite Momentum Alert portfolio:

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Member’s Mailbag: How We’ll Navigate Wild Earnings Swings

This week’s Member’s Mailbag isn’t as long as it’s been in prior weeks. I see that as a good thing… It indicates that the high volume of question-and-answer content I’ve published since we launched last fall has grown your understanding of the strategy — and I hope your confidence in it, also.

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In Defense of Micro Caps

I recently learned about a small company that I’d like to share with you today. I realize we don’t normally talk much about the actual companies we buy here at Infinite Momentum Alert … so bear with me. I promise there’s a point to me telling you about this one.

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