Archive Category: Infinite Momentum Alert Archive

In Defense of Micro Caps

I recently learned about a small company that I’d like to share with you today. I realize we don’t normally talk much about the actual companies we buy here at Infinite Momentum Alert … so bear with me. I promise there’s a point to me telling you about this one.

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Performance Update for Month #5: Salt in the Wound

I’m calling this one “salt in the wound” because, yes, it hurts when you lag the market — when you’re up 2%, and the market’s up 3%, or when it’s down 5%, and you’re down 7%. But what really hurts (psychologically, I’m saying) … is when you’re down while the market is up.

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Performance Review: A Market-Crushing Month

It’s time for another performance review after “Refresh Day” last week. But first want to offer another special note of thanks to my lead analyst Matt Clark. He held the fort down while I was on paternity leave in late December and early January … and he of course did a fabulous job!

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