Archive Category: Max Profit Alert (Alerts)

Trade Alert: 3 Trades to Make Today (2 Sells and 1 Buy)

Between the July 11 inflation report and Monday’s news of Joe Biden’s exit from the 2024 presidential race … every shade of the market has been making rapid readjustments over the past couple of weeks. We’re largely taking advantage of the shifts, particularly in the “small-cap” trade we jumped into the same day as that CPI print — making a quick 77% on one-third of our Direxion Small-Cap Bull 3x ETF (NYSE: TNA) calls.

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No Wednesday Windfalls Trades This Week

After running the numbers, Chief Research Analyst Matt Clark and I have determined there are no Wednesday Windfalls trades this week. The major tenets of our strategy that focuses on 15 broad exchange-traded funds (ETF) are:

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Trade Alert: Lock in Profits on One-Third of TNA Calls

The $41-strike call options on the Direxion Small-Cap Bull 3x ETF (NYSE: TNA) I recommended on Thursday are already trading for around 70% more than the $6.67 we recorded as our entry price. I have some additional research to share today on the likely outperformance of small-cap stocks ahead…

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No Wednesday Windfalls Trades This Week

Chief Research Analyst Matt Clark and I have run the numbers, and no Wednesday Windfalls trade signals are triggering this week. We aren’t in a strong setup to capture quick, double-digit gains over our two-day trading window. Since shifting our strategy to focus only on 15 major exchange-traded funds (ETFs), we haven’t had as many opportunities for Wednesday Windfalls trades.

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Trade Alert: Small-Cap Investors Smell Cuts Coming

Congratulations to anyone who followed my Wednesday Windfalls trade on Monday! We recorded a net profit of roughly 113% on the trade in just 48 hours. Please drop me a quick note if you made the trade: You can email

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