Archive Category: Max Profit Alert (Alerts)

No Wednesday Windfalls Trades This Week

After running the numbers, Chief Research Analyst Matt Clark and I have determined there are no Wednesday Windfalls trades this week. After one of the worst weeks for markets last week, all 15 ETFs we use in the Wednesday Windfalls strategy closed down. Conversely, a strong open today pushed all but two of those ETFs up.

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Trade Alert: 2 Actions to Take For Profits!

In April 2024, I recommended adding a bullish position targeting the utilities industry. You can read that recommendation here. Since then, the position has consistently moved in our favor. But with its expiry quickly approaching, it’s time to profit from the last third of our initial recommendation. I also have another profit-taking opportunity to share with you below.

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Join Me for Our Monthly Live Session

I’m going live for our monthly Max Profit Alert session in just a few minutes. Click here to join me for this session that will run from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. ET. (If you can’t make it, don’t worry! You can find a recording to watch at your leisure here. Check back later today for the replay.)

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No Wednesday Windfalls Trades This Week

After running the numbers, Chief Research Analyst Matt Clark and I have determined there are no Wednesday Windfalls trades this week. We did have valid signals on six of our 15 ETFs used in the strategy, but after research and calculation, the relative strength index (RSI) of these potential trades was too high.

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No Wednesday Windfalls Trades This Week

I’ve run the numbers, and there are no Wednesday Windfalls trade signals triggering on the 15 exchange-traded funds we’re tracking. With last week’s strong close and this week’s slow start, we aren’t in the right setup for our 48-hour trade. So we’ll press pause and reassess soon.

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