Archive Category: Max Profit Alert (Alerts)

No Trades Today

First, sincere apologies for our having to cancel this morning’s trade room session. We’re confident our new technology will be worthwhile once all the kinks have been worked out; but, apparently, we’re not quite there yet. Otherwise, today is one of those rare instances when I’m not recommending any trades. This has happened only a small handful of times in the nearly three years I’ve been running the strategy.

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Trade Alert: Buy Calls on COTY, PACW & NIO

First, a sincere apology for having to cancel this morning’s trade room. We fully expect to be back up and running for next Monday’s session, and we appreciate your patience. Nonetheless, I’m happy to share three new Wednesday Windfalls trades with you this week …

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Trade Alert: Buy Calls on WBD, SNAP & BYND

I’m happy to share three new Wednesday Windfalls trades with you this week! First though, a quick reminder that I’ll be holding another Max Profit Alert trade room session tomorrow (Tuesday) October 3, at 10:30 a.m. Eastern time. This is our “First Tuesday of the Month” session where I go over the longer, two-to three-month trades I recommend in this service. We’ll cover the positions we have open currently. And we’ll take a look at the landscape of opportunities through the lens of my simple trend-and-momentum strategy.

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