Archive Category: Max Profit Alert (Alerts)

Trade Alert: Buy Calls on FFIE, ZIM & PINS

I’m happy to share three new Wednesday Windfalls trades with you this week! First though, a final reminder that you can access my Infinite Momentum Alert presentation and learn about my brand new trading service right here. My publisher has plans to close new charter memberships very soon due to overwhelming initial demand. I’m told there are still spots available, but they’re going fast! You can claim yours here. Now, let’s get on to this week’s trades …

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Trade Alert: Take Action on KRE and XSW

We have a lot to cover today! I’ll provide updates and guidance on each of our open positions… First though, I recommend taking action to lock in profits on a portion of your KRE puts, which are now trading for about 50% more than we paid for them in early August. Here are your instructions: Action to take: Sell to close one-third of your June 21, 2024 expiration, $48-strike put options on the SPDR S&P Regional Bank ETF (NYSE: KRE) with a limit order for $7.20 or higher. I recommended buying these $48-strike puts on August 9 and we recorded an official entry price of $4.80.

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Trade Alert: Buy Calls on AAL, AG & PARA

I’m happy to share three new Wednesday Windfalls trades with you this week! But first, a quick reminder about the launch of my brand-new stock trading strategy — Infinite Momentum Alert! Tomorrow at 1 p.m. Eastern time, my friend John Wilkinson and I sit down to share all the details. You’ll have the chance to join us and access the very first 10-stock portfolio my strategy has assembled. The event is free — simply click here to put your name on the list. Now, let’s get on to this week’s trades …

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Trade Alert: Buy Calls on M, BITO & LUV

I’m happy to share three new Wednesday Windfalls trades with you this week! Before we dig in, I hope you’re taking the opportunity to join my Monday trade room. It’s open to all Max Profit Alert subscribers every Monday the market’s open from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Eastern. Not only do we review the prior week’s trades and signals, but we have what I believe are candid and informative conversations about the strategy. And Matt and I answer any and all questions, which you can submit in the chat box.

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Trade Alert: Buy XLE Calls With March Expiration

A few weeks back, I spoke in the Max Profit Alert trade room about how the energy sector was finally growing bullish again. The setup has only gotten stronger since, as I shared with attendees of today’s trade room session! I didn’t give them the exact details, but promised to issue a new trade alert on the sector as soon as the session ended … and here it is! Action to take: Buy to open the March 15, 2024, $92-strike call options on the S&P Select Energy SPDR Fund (NYSE: XLE).

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