Archive Category: Max Profit Alert (Alerts)

Trade Alert: Buy Calls on AG, QS & LUV

I’m happy to share three new Wednesday Windfalls trades with you this week … As a reminder, you now have access to my one-hour trade room session, every Monday from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Eastern. You can watch a replay of today’s session here. This morning, I shared the PowerPoint slides reviewing last week’s trades, the three official trades I recommended, as well as the strategy’s 31 buy signals that materialized last Monday. We also shared the spreadsheet that my lead analyst Matt Clark and I use to analyze in real-time each week’s opportunities.

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Trade Alert: Buy Calls on BITO, AAL & TOST

I’m happy to share three new Wednesday Windfalls trades with you this week. First, as a brief reminder, we’ve merged Max Profit Alert and Wednesday Windfalls, now giving you the “best-of-the-best” of all my option trading strategies. This upgrade includes free access to my one-hour trade room session, every Monday from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. ET. We’ve had two weekly sessions so far, each with hundreds of attendees!

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Trade Alert: Buy Calls on CAG, EDIT & UVXY

I’m happy to share three new Wednesday Windfalls trades with you this week. But first, a big “thank you” to the more than 100 attendees of my first Wednesday Windfalls trade room session! And a warm welcome to any Max Profit Alert subscriber who’s new to my Wednesday Windfalls strategy! If you missed my email last week where I explained all the upgrades my team and I are making to your subscription, you can review it here.

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Trade Alert: Set Profit-Taking “Trap” on XSW Calls

Just a brief update today… We have a full boat of positions with exposure on both the long and the short side of the market. Last week, the profit-taking “trap” I recommended you set on our bullish JETS position was executed. We saw several hundred contracts trade at the price of $2.45 or higher, locking in a roughly 50% profit on one-third of the position. Congratulations to everyone who was able to make that trade!

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Trade Alert: Set a Profit Trap on JETS + Go Long Software

We’re adding another long position to our portfolio today. But before I get into that… I recommend setting a profit-taking “trap” on our bullish position on the U.S. Global Jets ETF (NYSE: JETS) we added during the last week of June. We recorded an entry price of $1.62 on the December 2023 expiring $21-strike calls, and those contracts are currently selling for around $2.25, or just under 40% more than we paid.

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