Archive Category: Max Profit Alert (Alerts)

Trade Alert: It’s Time to Add GDX Calls

Last week, I showed how our strategy’s ability to adapt was key to our generating an average profit of 56% on our closing trades in 2022. The thing with adapting to the markets is that your job is never “done.” It’s a never-ending process. It’s a new year now, and four of the option contracts we’re holding are due to expire on January 20.

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Trade Alert: Take Profits on One-Third of Your $100-Strike TSLA Puts

Today’s note will be a quick one. Both of the Tesla Inc. (Nasdaq: TSLA) put options I recommended on November 8 are already showing a handsome profit. The $200-strike puts are now going for about $61 per contract, up 74% from the $35 we paid for them. The $100-strike puts are selling for more than $7.75 at last glance, up 65% from our $4.70 entry. Today, I recommend you lock in profits on one-third of your position in the $100-strike TSLA puts.

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2 New Tesla Puts

I explained two weeks ago how the Tesla puts we bought on July 5 will expire on January 20 … likely not giving us enough time to capture the full extent of a potentially massive drop in Tesla shares ahead.

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Trade Alert: Buy Calls on PACB Today!

Our portfolio now holds four positions with the recent expiration of the call options we held on the Alerian MLP ETF (NYSE: AMLP). Three are “bearish” put options, and all four are due to expire on January 20, 2023. As such, it’s time to add a new position and extend our exposure beyond January. We’ll do that with a bullish play on a promising biotech company that’s selling for 70% less than it was in 2021.

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