Archive Category: Max Profit Alert (Alerts)

Trade Alert: Buy Calls on Universal Hedge VXX

I’m pleased to share a new trade this week. For reasons I’ll explain tomorrow in Home Run Profits, I think another leg down in the stock market is likely. After locking in a monster profit on our bullish play on Chevron Corp., we have just two open positions in our portfolio. I still believe those plays — on the VanEck Vectors Gold Miners ETF (NYSE: GDX), and on oil & gas pipeline master limited partnerships via the Alerian MLP ETF (NYSE: AMLP) — will perform well over the next several months.

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Trade Alert: 2 Actions to Take (GDX & AMLP)

We’re making three trades total today. If you missed my email earlier this afternoon, click here for the full instructions to close out our call options on the Financial Select Sector SPDR Fund (NYSE: XLF). Now for our two other actions… We’ll take partial profits on an open position that’s off to a rock-star start already.

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Trade Alert: Cut Losses on XLF

I recommend you make three trades today. This is your first action to take. Stay tuned for a trade alert coming shortly with two more actions to take, including a brand-new position! First, though, we’ll cut our losses on a position that’s no longer well-suited for the current market environment. I recommended a bullish trade on the Financial Select Sector SPDR Fund (NYSE: XLF) on February 15.

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Trade Alert: We Hit Our 500% CVX Profit Trap!

Yesterday, I recommended you set a profit-taking trap on our Chevron Corp. (NYSE: CVX) calls. That involved placing a limit order to sell at $37. I’m pleased to confirm that we hit that profit trap this morning. We got in at $6.15 and out at $37 — a gain of 502% on the final third of this position. Congratulations!

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Trade Alert: Set Profit Trap on CVX for +500%

Shares of Chevron Corp. (NYSE: CVX) have gone vertical in the past week. Including today, the stock is up five days in a row and has gained more than 15%. This exponential move higher has been great for the $120-strike call options we bought on December 7. They’re up nearly 500%! Today, I recommend you set a profit trap to sell the final portion of your position for $37.

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