Archive Category: Max Profit Alert (Alerts)

Trade Alert: Two Trades to Make

Today, I’m recommending you exit two additional positions. Both have hit their three-month mark, so we’re no longer in their high-probability “sweet spot.” And given the market’s weakness over the past week or so — and the potential for that weakness to continue even just a bit longer — we don’t want to simply wait and hope any longer in them.

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Trade Alert: Three Trades to Make

Last week I told you to “sit tight” and gave a rundown of each of the positions we’re currently holding. Today, I have three moves I’m recommending you make. One is an exit from our bullish position on the regional bank industry (KRE), while the other two are new positions.

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Two Closing Trades to Make

The bull market is still alive and well. Though two of our open positions have now reached the end of our targeted three-month holding period, so it’s time to close them out and make room for new, “fresher” momentum opportunities ahead.

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