Archive Category: Max Profit Alert Archive

Could Downturn in Consumer Spending Hit Tesla?

I’m not recommending you make any moves this week. We have seven open positions, which is a “full boat” for us. And while we aren’t exactly in a profit-taking cycle at the moment, I still think we’re properly positioned in a balanced mix of both bullish and bearish plays. For instance, you’ll see in this week’s Leaders & Laggards Board that the technology and consumer discretionary sectors remain in bearish downtrends.

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Happy Thanksgiving … and Safe Trading!

Happy early Thanksgiving! Remember, the markets will be closed this Thursday. So put the trading account down … and spend some time with your family! The Money & Markets team and I will be doing the same. But before we get into that… I want to personally thank you.

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Tesla’s “Bear Case” Still in Play

Based on the price action exhibited by shares of Tesla Inc. (Nasdaq: TSLA), the “bear case” I laid out in early July is still valid. Let me show you… On July 26, I shared the TSLA chart below, highlighting the potential “head and shoulders” pattern it seemed to be forming at the time.

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Update: The Typical Bear Market

I shared historical statistics describing “the typical bear market” at the end of June. Ironically or not, the market climbed higher from the end of June into mid-August. It gained around 18% … enough to pull a lot of bullish investors out of the woodwork. Even in August, I maintained that we should plan for a “longer and lower” bear market. I made my case in a publicly available YouTube video when I debated the market’s next direction with my friends over at True Options Masters.

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