Archive Category: Max Profit Alert Archive

A Note on the Market’s Volatility

There are several reasons: worries over the continually rising and record-breaking coronavirus cases … Europe reinstating pandemic restrictions … the U.S. government’s failure to compromise on a new stimulus deal … mixed third-quarter earnings results…

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Introducing the Leaders & Laggards Board: Buy-Qualified Uptrends

Every week, I’ve sent you a copy of the Leaders & Laggards Board. You might notice this week that the board got a facelift. It occurred to me that this is the perfect chance to elaborate on the Leaders & Laggards Board — how you can use it, why I created it, and our new “Uptrend” column.

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Hold Steady and Stay the Course…

Stocks dropped today as third-quarter earnings kicked off. Though recent data that points to a continued steady reopening of the economy has been encouraging, economists expect companies within the S&P 500 financials sector to see earnings decline by 19.4% over the last year.

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Sit Tight, Nothing to Do Right Now

While I’m getting new momentum signals on individual stocks, the picture I’m getting at a higher level — when I look at industry groups, broad sectors and major global stock markets — isn’t so compelling or bullish.

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