Archive Category: Max Profit Alert Archive

Stay Tuned…

Hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend this Thanksgiving! I’ll keep today’s update short and sweet because a few key opportunities are still evolving into today’s market close.

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Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

I’m going to keep this week’s Max Profit Alert update on the short side due to the busy holiday week. I mentioned it in our trade room session yesterday, but this holiday season feels a bit different for my wife and me. That’s because our third child could make an early appearance at any moment! It’s exciting and discombobulating all at once. I even forgot it was Thanksgiving while talking to my neighbor over the weekend.

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Before You Buy Those Bonds…

One thing you may not know about my simple trend-and-momentum system at the core of Max Profit Alert… It can help you trade bonds. “Why would I ever want to trade bonds?” you ask. Well, because sometimes bonds are a better bet than stocks.

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No Trade Room Today

Last week, we introduced our new Trade Room software aimed at giving you the best experience. Well, as with anything new, there are growing pains, glitches and technical issues. In order to maintain a smooth trade room, we are taking some time today to work on these issues to ensure the room operates seamlessly.

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Join Me for Our Monthly Portfolio Review

I’m going live for our monthly Max Profit Alert session in just a few minutes. While my Monday Trade Room is focused on my Wednesday Windfalls strategy and our weekly trades, this monthly session gives us a chance to focus on our longer-dated options strategy at the core of Max Profit Alert. During this one-hour discussion, I’ll review our open positions in the model portfolio, show you some of the global market trends that are on my radar and answer your questions.

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