Archive Category: Max Profit Alert Archive

Sit Tight and Watch This…

Last week, I reviewed each of our current open positions, letting you know which ones are essentially “write-offs,” and which still hold promise for profits. Click here to read that update if you missed it. Namely, I highlighted our bearish positions on the Real Estate Select Sector SPDR Fund (NYSE: XLRE), the Technology Select Sector SPDR Fund (NYSE: XLK) and the SPDR S&P Regional Banking ETF (NYSE: KRE) as having solid potential with the broader market hitting a bout of weakness. That expectation now seems to be playing out … I’m happy to report that our put options on KRE are now up more than 60% after we took the opportunity to lock in a profit of 50% on one-third of our position last week.

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Must-See Clip: My Deep Dive on Infinite Momentum

I’m out of the (home) office today, currently in the middle of a one-day, there-and-back-again travel gauntlet a few states northward. There’s nothing new to report on our current positions that we didn’t already cover in our monthly live call last week. So I’ve asked my team to put something a little bit different on your radar, which I’m quite convinced you’ll like. I gave you a sneak peek a couple of weeks ago, but I’ve put the finishing touches on my new trading strategy called “Infinite Momentum,” which I’m launching as a new subscription service on September 19 — one week from now. On Monday, I shared some details about it in our Max Profit Alert Trade Room. Kay H. asked a question that I think many of you will find useful:

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My Live Session Starts Soon

I’m going live for our monthly Max Profit Alert session in just a few minutes. Click here to join me for this session that will run from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Eastern time. (If you can’t make this session, don’t worry! You can find a recording to watch at your leisure here.) While my Monday Trade Room is focused on my Wednesday Windfalls strategy and our weekly trades, this monthly session gives us a chance to focus on our longer-dated options strategy at the core of Max Profit Alert. During this one-hour discussion, I’ll review our open positions in the model portfolio, show you some of the global market trends that are on my radar and answer your questions.

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Sneak Peek: Momentum With a Systematic Twist

I’m launching a brand-new stock trading service in September … and I want YOU to be the first to know about it. I know I’m not supposed to play “favorites,” but Max Profit Alert was the first trading service I created when I joined the newsletter business in 2011. That first batch of subscribers took a chance on me — and if you’re one of them, your loyalty over the following 12 years is something I’ll never take for granted. Even if you joined Max Profit Alert more recently, I have a special place in my heart for you… In short, you “get it.”

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Missed Today’s Live Session? We’ve Got You Covered…

Thank you to all who joined me in the first iteration of my monthly Max Profit Alert live session earlier today. Like I mentioned during today’s broadcast, I’m having a lot of fun interacting with you all, and I can’t wait to improve on this experience with each session going forward. On that note: You can expect another Tuesday session, where I focus on our longer-dated options strategy at the core of Max Profit Alert, in just a couple of weeks. My plan is to run these on the first Tuesday of each month going forward, so our next hourlong session will be on Tuesday, September 5, at 10:30 a.m. Eastern time.

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