Archive Category: Max Profit Alert Archive

Happy Fourth From Max Profit Alert!

U.S. markets are closed today in observance of Independence Day, and I hope you’re having a wonderful time with your family — however you celebrate. Firing up the grill, shooting off fireworks, hitting the beach — or a combination of all three!

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Waiting for “Fat Pitches” in a Bifurcated Market

If you joined Max Profit Alert recently, you might make me out to be some kind of permabear. Granted, we’ve had a lot of put option trades of late. But that doesn’t mean it’s all I trade. I love a good bull market just as much as the next guy. In fact, I launched this service in 2012, closer to the 2009 bottom than the 2022 top … and long-time subscribers know we certainly “made hay while the sun shined.”

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A Guide for Biotech’s Next Breakout

We looked at the communication services sector last week. It’s been one of the hardest-hit sectors of the bear market. But it’s now trading at cheap and attractive valuations relative to its peers. It’s also up 27% year to date and on the verge of a potential bullish breakout. Suffice to say, this sector is on my “bullish trades” radar. Though, as I mentioned last week, I am concerned that just two companies — Meta Platforms Inc. (Nasdaq: META) and Alphabet (Nasdaq: GOOGL) — make up a full 50% of the exchange-traded fund (ETF) that tracks this sector, the SPDR Comm. Services Sector ETF (NYSE: XLC).

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