Archive Category: Precision Profits (Alerts)

Trade Alert: Close META Spread

If you opened the credit spread in Meta Platforms, Inc. (META), I recommend closing it today prior to expiration. META stock is trading near $450, and if it holds above that level, we could incur a larger loss on the trade.

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Trade Alert: Hold Credit Spreads + Bonus Trades

We currently have spread positions open in DoorDash, Inc. (DASH), Netflix, Inc. (NFLX), and Meta Platforms, Inc. (META). All are on track to expire worthless today. When that happens, no action is required. Your broker removes the positions from your account, and you keep the credit received when the trade was opened.

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Trade Alert: Close NFLX Bear Call Spread

Earlier today, we issued a trade alert with an error regarding our spread position in Netflix, Inc. (NFLX). We originally recommended a bear call credit spread in NFLX. But this has been corrected to a bull put credit spread. To see the corrected details for this trade, click here. Action to Take:  If you opened the NFLX bear call spread earlier today, I recommend closing it immediately.

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Trade Alert: Add META Credit Spread + Bonus Trades

It’s time to add a new credit spread. If you’re unfamiliar with these trades, please consult your broker for information on how to place them. Our support team can also help you. Set up a time for a call by emailing

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