Archive Category: Wednesday Windfalls Alerts

Trade Alert: Buy Calls on BMY, GRWG & WMB

Happy New Year, my friends! One of the great things about flipping the calendar from one year to another is the opportunity it presents for reassessing the landscape and taking new actions. After all, that’s what New Year’s resolutions are all about. Personally, I like to think of our 48-hour Wednesday Windfalls trades in a similar fashion. Some weeks, stocks are moved by macroeconomic news. Other weeks, it’s earnings releases.

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Markets Are Closed — Read This Before 2023 Kicks Off

We closed out a winning week last Wednesday. Sadly, we won’t have a chance to keep the winning streak going until the new year. Reach out to and tell me how the trade went. What price did you enter the trade at? Where did you exit? Let me know by emailing me now! Looking ahead, markets are closed today and next Monday, January 2, to observe the Christmas and New Year’s holidays. (Merry belated Christmas, by the way!) We’ll get back into our normal Wednesday Windfalls schedule with a new batch of trades on Monday, January 9.

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Trade Alert: Sell Calls on CSCO, KR & CCJ

Congrats! It’s looking like we’ll end the year with one for the “W” column. All three of the stocks we played on Monday have edged higher. At last glance… Shares of CSCO are up 1%. Shares of KR are up 1.3%. And shares of CCJ are 2.5% higher. Those aren’t huge returns, of course. But you take what you can get when you’re only targeting two-day moves.

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Trade Alert: Buy Calls on CSCO, KR & CCJ

As I mentioned in last week’s Trade Wrap, this will be our final batch of Wednesday Windfalls trades for 2022. The New York Stock Exchange is closed on Monday, December 26 … so we’ll pick back up on Monday, January 2. It’s been a wild year in the markets, and we’ve had our fair shares of ups and downs here at Wednesday Windfalls. I continue to be confident that a short-term trading strategy like ours can add meaningful diversification and profit opportunities in compliment to longer-term and more traditional strategies. And I’m looking forward to new opportunities for us in the year ahead!

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Trade Alert: Sell Calls on EWZ, PBR & NRG

Let’s just say that Brazilian stocks ended up not being a good place to be this week. Shares of the iShares MSCI Brazil ETF (NYSE: EWZ) have lost around 9% since our entry on Monday afternoon, while shares of Brazil’s oil and gas producer, Petroleo Brasileiro SA (NYSE: PBR), are down around 11%. Both are especially sharp moves against our bullish positioning and have caused the call options we purchased to lose around 90% of their value.

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