Archive Category: Wednesday Windfalls Alerts

Trade Alert: Buy Calls on YINN, EWJ & BAX

U.S. stock indexes took a turn lower last week and continue to appear weak today. That’s no concern for us! We aren’t long-term buy-and-holders. And we find our advantage in buying dips in stocks and ETFs poised to bounce higher … even if for only a day or two! This week, I’ve found two opportunities in the east … and one in a U.S.-based medical device company.

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Trade Alert: Sell Calls on BP, DD & PM

I said on Monday that the broader stock market had been tracing out the opposite pattern that we seek to take advantage of. Typically, we like to see a down Monday … followed by up days on Tuesday and Wednesday. The S&P 500 gave us the opposite of that three-day pattern this week — closing up on Monday and falling lower yesterday and today. Fortunately, we didn’t initiate positions directly on the S&P 500 or any major stock index.

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Trade Alert: Buy Calls on BP, DD & PM

Most major stock indexes were down on Friday and (so far) up today. That’s the opposite pattern we seek for our Monday positions. Still, I’ve found three individual stocks that are primed for a bounce higher this week. And the pricing of their options is favorable.

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My “Crazy Like a Fox” Gold Trade

I’ve been bullish on gold since late 2019. Not because I’m a “gold bug” who never knows a bad time to buy gold … but because the price of gold made a bullish breakout from a bottoming pattern that had lasted from 2013 to 2019 — six years! Most investors don’t have the tolerance for a near-50% drawdown over eight years. Everyone had already given up on gold by late 2019. And that’s usually the perfect recipe for a new bull market! Indeed, I’m confident that a new, multiyear bull market in gold is underway.

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