Archive Category: Wednesday Windfalls Alerts

No Trade Alert: Markets Closed for President’s Day

The markets — and our offices — are closed today to celebrate President’s Day. So we don’t have any actions to take. I will send your Weekly Trade Wrap on Thursday, covering last week’s Wednesday Windfalls trades. Our next batch of trades will come at 2 p.m. Eastern on Monday, February 27.

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Trade Alert: Sell Calls on BAX, HL and KR

I’m going to keep today’s trade alert short. My team and I are headed to our annual retreat. We’re going to discuss ways to make your experience with Wednesday Windfalls and our other services even better in the future. I’m excited to get into the all details. For now, let’s exit our open positions…

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Trade Alert: Buy Calls on BAX, HL & KR

Back in 2012, we welcomed new subscribers to my option-trading service, Max Profit Alert. The second recommendation I made was on Kroger Co. (NYSE: KR), the boring grocery-store chain with razor-thin profit margins. A mere three days after I recommended a specific Kroger call option, we had the chance to lock in a gain of 51%. I have to tell you … it was so satisfying to read the emails from new subscribers that poured in. Everyone was astonished you could make good money like this on “boring” stocks.

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Trade Alert: Sell Calls on F, PCG & HAL

It’s looking like another favorable week for us … Shares of the stocks we bought call options on are up between 0.4% and 3%, at last glance. The calls we bought on PG&E Corp. (NYSE: PCG) are trading at roughly our entry price. But as I write, we have modest double-digit gains on our Ford Motor Co. (NYSE: F) and Halliburton Co. (NYSE: HAL) calls. As I’ve said before, I don’t like to quote exact prices and percentage returns in our Wednesday at 2 p.m. ET “closing” instructions Trade Alert since prices can move quickly. So, I’ll wait to review this week’s performance in your Weekly Trade Wrap tomorrow.

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Trade Alert: Buy Calls on F, PCG & HAL

A majority of stocks were down on Friday. That means we have fewer opportunities to consider this week since we focus our efforts on stocks and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that are up on Friday and down on Monday. Still, my system and I have identified three individual stocks that are poised to pop higher during this week’s seasonality “sweet spot.” The option contracts on these stocks are priced attractively, giving us a lot of “bang for our buck” potential in these bullish setups. We took home a nice win last week … let’s see if we can make it two for two!

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