Archive Category: Wednesday Windfalls Alerts

Trade Alert: Sell Calls on WBA, KMI & AMC

It’s shaping up to be a good week for us, as our goal of collecting a nice profit by mid-week and then coasting into the weekend looks to be playing out! Shares of Walgreen Boots Alliance Inc. (Nasdaq: WBA) are more or less flat since our bullish entry Monday afternoon, and we may take a slight loss on the call options we bought. Otherwise, it looks like we’ll be able to lock in nice profits on our other two trades. Shares of Kinder Morgan Inc. (NYSE: KMI) are up nearly 2%, and AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc. (NYSE: AMC) shares have climbed nearly 10%. Those moves should be more than enough to net us a nice profit on the week.

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Trade Alert: Buy Calls on WBA, KMI & AMC

A majority of U.S. stocks are down today. That falls in line with the seasonality research upon which our system is built. It shows that Mondays on average tend to be “down” days for many stocks. It’s also part of the pattern we seek to take advantage of. Specifically, we buy into stocks that have fallen lower on Monday (giving us an attractive entry point) … and position ourselves for what have historically been the two best days to be long stocks: Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I’m eager to share the three stocks that my system and I have identified as our best opportunities this week.

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Trade Alert: Sell Calls on KO, SWN & TBT

Despite starting 2023 with a burst of strength, U.S. stocks went nowhere yesterday and are trading down today. While our two-day trade can work fabulously when we catch even a short-lived jump in prices, we’re equally at the mercy of a short-lived decline in prices. In short, when something doesn’t go our way during a 48-hour holding period, there’s simply no time to recover from it. That’s the case this week with all three of our bullish plays, including our outside-the-stock-market play on a move higher in Treasury rates. It was a worthwhile diversifier that has worked well in the past … but not this time around. All told, we’ll have to take losses on our three positions and overall this week.

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Trade Alert: Buy Calls on KO, SWN & TBT

The New York Stock Exchange has been closed two Mondays this month, so this is only our second week of Wednesday Windfalls trades this year. I’m glad we’re back in the swing of things now since I’m expecting a lot of volatility and divergent movements across the U.S. stock sectors and major asset classes this year. Both should work in our favor as we seek to capture some of the market’s biggest moves in the weekly “sweet spot,” which is still Monday’s close to Wednesday’s close. This week, my system and I have identified the three best opportunities for our 48-hour trade.

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