Archive Category: Wednesday Windfalls Updates

Update: No Trades Today

I don’t recommend that we make any Wednesday Windfalls trades this week. This is rare. Throughout the 32 weeks of beta testing and the additional 21 weeks since we opened our doors to subscribers … we’ve skipped just one week (not including Monday holidays when the markets were closed). That instance came during our beta test period. And the reasons that led me to decide to hold off on recommending any trades that time are the same reasons I made the decision this week: a dearth of buy signals and unacceptably high options pricing.

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I Have a Quick Favor to Ask…

Congratulations! We’re topping a recent winning streak with solid profits this week. Our model portfolio reflects an averaged gain of 39.36%. This was off the back of our calls on the ProShares UltraShort 20+ Year Treasury (NYSE: TBT) — which saw a 125.64% gain.

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