Archive Category: Wednesday Windfalls Updates

Final Call for 2023’s Best Trade

Think you’re “too late” to the bull market in oil? Think again! Naysayers will point out that crude oil futures fell from $118 a barrel in March to as low as $70 a few weeks ago. That’s a 40% drop. And the Johnny-come-latelys will say it’s a sign that oil lost its tailwind. But I know better…

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2 Weekly Trade Wraps + Alternate Strategies

Market strength has petered out as the week has continued. And volatility is back in a big way. The quick reversal hit our Wednesday Windfalls trades after a solid start on Monday and Tuesday. Overall, we locked in losses on our Yelp Inc. (NYSE: YELP), NIO Inc. (NYSE: NIO) and QuantumScape Corp. (NYSE: QS) positions. It was tough, but these situations can happen with a systematic approach like this.

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Weekly Trade Wrap: COTY, SNAP & PLUG

The Federal Reserve’s November meeting coincided with our Wednesday closing trades this week. Powell and co. hiked rates by 0.75%, which was widely expected, but also telegraphed that the Fed will likely enact smaller, more incremental hikes ahead. Though judging from the equity market’s reaction … bullish investors wanted more. Many have speculated that a so-called “Fed pivot” is just around the corner, whereby the Fed will pause further rate hikes and begin a path toward reducing them. But after reading the tea leaves in yesterday’s Fed minutes and speeches, hopes of a near-term pivot were dashed or at least pushed further out in time.

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